Friday, August 29, 2008

time flies

Wow--this week has flown by. I woke up thinking it was Saturday and was disappointed to find it was Friday. It's been busy with school for Heather, appointments and running around for Charlie and I and some fun with friends as well. Charlie and I had some friends over earlier in the week and went to the park with some kids as well. He seems much happier when he gets to spend some kid time each day ;-). heather did great after school until yesterday when she had a rough afternoon. She's just so tired and just has had enough of listening. Hopefully the end of the week settles in like the rest of the week before the baby comes otherwise it could be long evenings (or short) or boarding school--just kidding. The kids can't wait for the baby to come because that means that it won't be long before grandma's and aunt Kelly come. Unfortunately for me that means it won't be long before the real packing and moving set in--UGH!!

Random thought from a pregnant woman--did anyone see the panda that was born recently? It was on the today show and it was TINY!! For such a big animal I find it pretty unfair that it gets to have such tiny babies! I suppose for some reason I'm sensitive to that right now ;-) Hopefully we'll have a nice weekend--Jeff is having to gear up with emergency operations so that they're ready for whatever Gustav sends to the coast (mostly to mobilize assistance and house evacuees from Keesler AFB). Gustav as a name is definitely out since "he" is probably going to ruin our long weekend...

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