Saturday, August 30, 2008


Well we're just waiting for the rain to come and to see what happens on the coast. Jeff has been busy helping to make sure that people who come up from the coast are taken care of per the base plans for housing and helping. It sounds like all precautions are being taken to keep people safe as they head out of the path of the storm. The kids and I took it easy today. i worked through two closets and the kids "fall" clothes and they spent a few hours getting in a bit of late summer slip and sliding and playing in teh sprinkler. Yesterday we took in some pool time after Heather got home from school and tried to relax in the evening. I'll update as things start to happen here as the storm comes through (although i think 90% of my "readers" are here so you'll pretty much know ;-). We're thinking of our friends and family in Houston, Galveston and closer to the MS/LS coast and hoping that they're taking precautions to stay safe.

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