Tuesday, August 5, 2008

school open house

We got to go to see heathers teacher and her class. Her teacher seemed nice and although Heather was shy I think she'll warm up pretty quickly. Upon entering the classroom she was a little nervous and tried to shy away from the teacher's aide for the class but was willing to give her name and a shy smile. We walked around the class and looked at a few centers and Heather found her "cubby". She didn't know any of the kids in her class but some of her friends are in neighboring classes and she will also ride the bus with them so she will get some "friend" time. School starts at 7:50 so it will be an early morning on Friday! Then the next week she'll probably start riding the bus--leaving the house around 7 :-(. Charlie wanted a picture by Heather's cubby also--I think he wants to go with her to school even though he says he's going to be in the 3 year old class at preschool...

1 comment:

Jenny Brooks said...

too cute. what school will she be going to - C-bus or C-donia? I think it's great that she'll be riding the bus, I look fwd to those moments, but the husband isn't sure he wants Ben on the bus. I guess it's all what you were raised like. He had a mom who drove him to school, and I rode the bus. Anyway...hope you're doing well!