Wednesday, August 6, 2008

last few days of freedom

heather got to pick what she wanted to do the last few days before she started school. Thinking she was starting tomorrow we had some friends over (because what else would she want to do?! this child is happiest doing anything if it involves one of her friends) to slip-n-slide, jump in our little pool, and play in teh sprinkler. This of course was followed with inside play, lunch, and a few episodes of the magic school bus before her friends left. Tomorrow we're going to go to lunch with the same friends just to max out friend time before school starts on Fri.

Because Heather's getting up earlier we have to also get her to bed earlier. it is really hard to do since the kids love to play games in the evening and HAVE to read books before bed. We were shooting for getting them into their beds at 8 (reading books around 7:45) but they were in the middle of a game and Jeff had only gotten home about 2 hours earlier. So by 8:30 they were snoozing mid-book.

Heather and I walked down to the bus stop this morning to check out the bus situation. She gets to ride the "dinosaur" bus along with a TON of kids grades K-12. Those high school kids sure look big when your child is 5!! She should have some friends who are riding by the time she starts on Monday but whew!! it's a crowded bus with BIG kids...All the kids are base kids so they *should* be well behaved as high schoolers...we'll see what kind of words heather is asking about at the end of the first week :-).

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