Sunday, October 5, 2008

surviving saturday

We actually had a nice end of the week, I got the kids to school a few times on my own and Jeff took part of Wednesday and Thursday off to help out (really we more veged out) at home. The days go by fast and I'm not sure where the time goes but we're doing well and having fun with Cameron. Yesterday was a busy day. It's fire prevention week on base and the firestation opeened up with all their fire enguines that the kids could climb on, a few games for them to play--dress up in teh fire fighter gear, roll the hose at bowling pins, virtual fire put out...we stayed all morning with various friends, had lunch, then went to the site where the firemen practice putting out plane fires on a huge plane that the light up and put out. The heat was tremendous even though it seemed we were far away and the kids loved the fire trucks coming in with sirens blazing and the water shooting out. After that we had some friends come over to play until the fire parade. They played really well together and at 3 we headed out to watch the "parade". After 6 kids had popsicles we were joined by another and the kids ran around the yard until they heard the sirens. It was quite an impressive number of trucks as the columbus fire dept joined in also. The kids racked in candy and one of the firefighters that Jeff knows called out hello to Heather and Charlie by name from one of the fire trucks.

After that our friends played a little more then we headed off to Jumpin G's for a b-day party for someone in Heather's class. I thought it would be a good chance to meet some of teh parents but none were really social with anyone that they didn't know so I didn't really meet anyone (not that I need to since we're moving anyway) and Jeff and I just watched the kids run and run. Needless to say both kids fell asleep on the way home and by 8:30 I was also dozing in the chair...

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