Sunday, September 21, 2008

birth story part two: siblings

Heather and Charlie came to visit Monday night (i had the baby that afternoon). They came in the room cautiously, not sure what to make of mom in a wierd bed with an IV in her arm. Cameron was wrapped up pretty well so I don't think they even noticed him right away. I showed him to them but Heather was kind of caught up in the IV and did it hurt...They came around the bed and peeked at him, slowly pokeing and finally hugging him. He of course was just zonked out. They each took a turn holding him and seemed OK with it but still pretty cautious. Heather had a little meltdown on the way out since I didn't come with them, but other than that handled a surprise pick up at the bus stop by someone else, trip to a friends house for dinner and then returning there for the night much better than I expected her to.

Jeff spent the night in the hospital (Every husband should "enjoy" the couch in support of their new child) then went to get the kids off to school and to come visit with Charlie. Various friends (who helped out a TON) came to visit and Heather got to come back after school. This time she was VERY protective and said to Jeff on the way that she didn't know if she was going to like the baby before he was born but now she really liked him. Good turn around for her but she was not wanting her friend to touch him, hold him, do anything--it was HER brother not Mirabelle's ;-). AFter a slight attitude adjustment we all said good night and they headed home.

Since we've been home the kids want to hug, touch, and love on the baby ALL the time. Luckily Cameron seems to be able to sleep through thier "gentle" embraces and touch or ignore them pokeing their face into his when he's trying to nurse. Charlie thinks the baby sleeps too much and Heather was plugging her ears or sighing "can't you do anything?" when he cried--which has really only been when he's hungry or is getting his diaper changed--he HATES that! He's a good eater, pooper, and is starting to sleep a bit more independently (ie--not with mom or dad holding him) but it's so nice to hold a snuggly baby--and they don't stay that way for long!

I have to say thanks to our friends who helped out with the kids, brought dinner, is organizing others to bring meals for us,l sent e-mails or phone calls of support and are stopping by to keep us company. It's sad to be far from most of you and Cameron can't wait to meet you. More pictures when I get a chance!!


The Kernea Family said...

Rick "enjoyed" the couch too. : ) The 2nd night he actually moved it and wedged himself somehow between the wall and the table beside the bed so he wouldn't roll off. He went home the next morning to get pants and a fleece jacket since I had it so cold in the room. He knew not to complain though.

Glad the kids are adjusting well. Same here, actually better than I expected. It still blows my mind that I have 3 kids though.

Hope you are feeling well! See you soon!

orangek8 said...

Congratulations, Sara and family!

The Carters said...

Congratulations! I'm glad to hear everything went so well with the labor and delivery. Tell baby Cameron thank you for waiting until after Cooper's Closet to make his appearance...haha! I wish you and your family the best! You'll be missed!