Wednesday, April 9, 2008

peace like a river...

Today at school the kids had chapel with pastor Tom. They love this time to sing and hear bible stories with the minister of the Presbyterian church. At lunch Heather started singing "I've got peace like a river..." so we went through some of the choruses and she showed me some of the motions that they did with the song. After no naps, mom losing patience, and trying to get Charlie to stand still and put his shoes on I was about at my wits end with him (and he was cranky b/c he didn't take a nap). Just in the nick of time I heard him singing...and he busts out in "peace like a river..." it was pretty fortunate for all of us that he chose that moment to sing a "calming" song ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe "peace like a river" will be the it short?