Monday, April 21, 2008

Duper the 13th reindeer

I have no idea why we were ready a christmas story but that's what one of the kids picked out a few days ago. When reading the story we were naming the reindeer and Heather called out her new favorite reindeer "Duper" I think he came after Donder. It is now our favorite word and will evoke peals of laughter even in the grumpiest situation. They laugh so hard that it makes me laugh and it just keeps on going--maybe you have to be there...anyway "super duper" is a hit too...

We had a great weekend full of sun and playing outside! The kids each had a birthday party and Jeff and I enjoyed a wedding shower on our own Saturday night. Yesterday we rode our bikes out to a lake to throw rocks in. On the way we passed a HUGE snake slithering across the road and also saw one in the lake slithering across--UGH!! I guess there aren't supposed to be snakes in the Azores so I'm pretty excited about that!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Snakes suck. That one in the lake...probably a water moccasin. :s

Apparently we have a crazy amount of snakes around here. G R E A T

Yeah for no snakes in the Azores!!!!