Monday, January 26, 2009

random things

Several random things have come to mind to share in the last few days. Since moving here Cameron has acquired a "girlfriend". She's two months older and so cute--he smiles every time he sees her and the other night they were reaching for each other and would probably have been trying to put the other in their mouth if given the opportunity. It reminded me of Heather and Chalie's first little betrothals. When Heather was 2 she was inseparable from her friend Leif and we walked by his house several times after he left to make sure he wasn't there. Jeff and I also got to take her on her first date when she was 3 with her friend Jack to the bowling alley. We picked him up and they rode in their car seats in the back...His mom and I witnessed their first kiss (lips) of course innocent like little kids are--but still!! Charlie's best friend in MS, Mirabelle, and he still pine for each other despite the distance between them.
We've also been working on valentine's stuff so that relatives get their "love" from the kids. Heather created one particular valentine that she LOVED and was going to keep. I told her that we needed a few more to give to a few people and she started creating. a few minutes later she brought out her prized valentine and said she wanted to give it to...I told her she didn't have to but she said, "it makes me feel good to give it to them." patting her chest (heart). It was so sweet I almost cried.
In today's news Jeff flew off to Germany for a conference. The kids already miss him. Heather drew him some pictures to take with him on the trip. Charlie insisted that we stay to watch the plane take off which was an hour after we left Jeff in the terminal. We waved it all the way off the ground ;-) He'll be back Friday night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awwwww :)