Sunday, January 11, 2009

ony one week?

Has it only been one week that Heather's been in school?! Wow it seems like so much longer than that! We've settled into the routine of school, dad home for lunch, pick up Heather, play, dad home for dinner and evening. I haven't found a preschool for Charlie yet but the search will pick up this week to see if there's anything out there that will work for us this year. Heather seems to enjoy school so far with much more fun special activities and two recesses a day and much less seat work and "boring" stuff. Charlie, Cameron and I went to playgroup on Tuesday but no real friends for Charlie yet. Friday we went to a movie at one of the local churches which was fun although the kids did not want to stay in the kids rooms so they fell asleep watching the movie with us. Saturday we set up the garage as a play space/garage for the kids then went exploring. We visited the middle of the island this time and met some ducks at a duck pond. Heather's comment, "this place is amazing!" it was so full of awe. It was a pretty beautiful place and we were the only ones there...Then we went to the coast on our way home and walked around a swim,ming hole where someone was actually swimming--he looked cold to me. Last night Jeff's CE group had a little dinner gathering which was fun. Not much to do for people so I guess there's lots of "get togethers..."

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