Monday, May 5, 2008

shots and soccer

The kids had to get shots today-the're actually overdue--and Charlie was grumpy before we left so Heather drew a grumpy charlie picture. Then she drew a picture of her face when she got shots (with tears running down!!). She cried right up until the lady said she was done and then pretty much stopped on the spot. Poor child was screaming "put the bandaid on" the whole time the lady was doing the shots. Charlie on the other hand was brave right up until he had to go from sitting to lying on the table (he had just witnessed Heather's shots) and even pronounced that he wasn't going to cry until he saw the needle. Then he cried for about 5 minutes after she was done. So I walked into the office with one crying and left with the other :-). They did pretty well though and we went to the library to play on the computer and get movies (modern libraries!!) and then to the park with friends.

Soccer tonight was good. Heather ran right out and stretched with her team and ran throughout the whole game! The kids looked exhausted at the end and the ssaving grace for them was that the other team pretty much bunched up around the ball and prevented themselves from getting very far :-). Heather had kind of a 5 year old breakaway and kicked the ball from inside the goalie box twards the goalie--it was kind of a shot ;-) She had fun and with one game left is asking when soccer starts again!!

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