Tuesday, May 20, 2008

relaxing birthday

Today I turned 33 in style! My mom and Heather got breakfast ready while charlie and I slept in a bit. Then we went and got fitted for our "fancy" clothes and haircut (charlie) before heading out for a birthday picnic (Miller's chicken--YUM!). After that we relaxed for a bit before heading back out to see some baby chicks and sheep and picking up chinese food for dinner. After dinner I "relaxed" while I got an electric massage thing rolled all over my back by Heather and charlie then they gave me a relaxing spa bath complete with a face mask and cucumbers for my eyes ;-). After that I got foot and leg lotioned, arm lotioned and sprayed with perfume (by mom so it was minimal!!). Whew. Now I feel refreshed and it's almost time for bed (no naps). It was a fun day and nice to be "pampered" and I think the kids and my mom enjoyed it at least as much as I did (especially the cucumbers and "mask". Mom did take a picture but I will restrain myself from posting it here (I did wear a baithing suit...)

1 comment:

Martha said...


nothing like a "spa" day.. heeee