Friday, May 2, 2008

It's a...

BOY!! We got to do an ultrasound at 18 weeks and he was all boy! They technologist couldn't believe I couldn't tell but I didn't realize it was quite SO obvious (don't know what I thought it was...). We told the kids (finally) that they were going to have a baby brother and they were excited, then Heather realized it was a boy and was a little less than excited. When she talked to Kelly on the phone she actually said that she was not. I knew in the doctors office taht she would have that reaction so I just have to do lots of encouraging how she can help and figure out what will make a little brother "cool"! Charlie suggested Bryan, Sparky and Christopher/Jeremy (depending on which was on the phone with him). We're going to have to figure out a delicate way to "agree" on names...


Jen said...



Anonymous said...

Soooooooooo cool!! Great news!!:)

Shawn said...

Definitely Sparky.


CMG said...

Congrats! Now you'll be outnumbered, Sara :-)

Kristin said...

Hey there! Was just reading your blog and congrats on the boy!!! How exciting. How are you feeling these days? Sounds like you guys are keeping pretty busy!


Jenny Brooks said...

Congrats again!