Saturday, May 22, 2010

bye-byes, birthdays, and base ball

We spent a lot of our time the last week with friends who left on Friday. We did dinners and games and lots of hanging out. Thursday was my birthday and I got the best of most worlds--the kids made cards which I opened along with a few gifts (wii remotes) while we ate breakfast and they got ready for school. Our friend watched Cameron while Jeff used his birthday pass (supposed to be for his birthday but why not use it on mine!!) and we went to Angra (the "big city" of the island) for some shopping and lunch. We found the oldest jewelry store on the island and I selected my "big" present--a lava rock necklace and earrings. We then wandered around a bit before heading out to a tile shop that we had found on the coast of the island. It was fun to just explore and stop to take pictures on the way back home without kids screaming and wanting to be home, hungry, etc. (although since Jeff and I explored so much and missed lunch we were kind of hungry). Then I got home and played with the kids a bit before heading out to Lucky Squares (bingo that can't be called bingo) with a few friends. Although I didn't win anything it was a fun way to spend the rest of the evening and Rory's last night on the island. Friday we put our friends on a plane and saw them off. I wasn't really too emotional until I hugged little Lanie (2 1/2) and thought about how different she would be the next time (if ever) we see them again!

Baseball on Saturday was great! It was a beautiful day and the kids were excited. Charlie had some good hits although he also missed the t like 6 times before hitting one (he NEVER misses so it was odd!). He also played first base and did pretty well. He got the ball once and ran over to first and then they threw it to him a few times and he picked it up and tagged first--although he was in no real hurry to do so. Heather had a great game also. She plays around a shortstop position (with all the kids playing the field it's a bit hard to tell exactly where she is...) The first ball that came her way she got and ran over to 2nd and touched the base just before the runner for the 3rd out of the inning! She was pretty happy with herself. She only got to bat once during the game but she made a nice hit (i think to the left of the pitcher) and made it to first. She then was safe all the way home on the next few hitters. She seemed pretty happy about the game. Saturday afternoon Heather went to a birthday party at the bowling alley and Charlie and I had a bowling date. It was fun and I even treated him to ice cream (that's how I got jeff!!) while bowling over 100 each game despite losing to charlie in the second game for the first 3 frames (no I wasn't using bumpers.)

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