Saturday, May 15, 2010

bridging and going aways

Some of our best friends here will be leaving in about a week which is very sad. We very much enjoy what the island has to offer but really almost anywhere the people make the experience great. They have been here since we moved in and both families went through deployments at different times with dad's stepping in as babysitters and surrogates as necessary. The kids have spent time probably 6 days a week together and we will REALLY miss having them around. Jeff's squadron had a going away for several people in the flight who will be leaving so we had lunch all together and then went out to dinner. It was nice to get out without the kids for a change and they were well taken care of while we were out. Today we got up and did a run with the kids--a kids run--where the kids went 1 mile. Charlie was due for the 1/2 mile but we kept both of them together and he and jeff outran heather and mom. Both kids ran almost the whole thing and seemed to have fun. Heather did an art project at the craft center which she enjoyed and then we headed off to the daisy bridging ceremony. Heather crossed over into brownies (very shyly and quickly) with several friends in a cute ceremony with the other girl scouts on the island. The kids and sara ended the day at a going away for Heather's scout leader and then a campout as a last hurrah!

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