Saturday, September 12, 2009

rainy days

the last few days have been rainy--bummer for showing Jeff's mom around. Despite the rain Heather and Charlie had their first soccer game today. Since it was rainy no pictures--but just know that they looked cute in their little green jerseys. Heather played in the second "quarter" and did pretty well. She's not brave enough to get in the pack but I credit her with being smart enough to wait for the ball to pop out and then go get it. She did get a number of good kicks in and a little more agressive nature would have gotten her even more. Charlie played in the third quarter and definitely looked like the smallest one out there but he did run around after the ball the whole time and got "two kicks" according to him. I was very proud of how well they waited for their turns in the at times pouring rain. Heather also volunteered to play in the last quarter when they went 11 on 11 and then for the last 2 minutes they cleared the benches and sent everyone in to play. It was MASS chaos but no one got hurt...Heather had a birthday party after and then we went bowling again since our options for rainy day activity are pretty limited. Despite bowling a 179 last time I eeked out a 109 thanks to a strike in the last frame. A few more days with grandma and we're on our own. Jeff is doing well and we get to talk to him almost every day so far.


Anonymous said...

Hope you guys are doing well - I'm thinking about you now that Jeff is away.-melissa

Anonymous said...

So what you're saying is Heather plays soccer like her Mom. At least she is not staying in one spot...