Saturday, September 19, 2009

Charlie starts Portugese school!

Charlie has been dying to start school since Heather started on the island. We really missed is awesome preschool in MS (yes there are good things about MS besides our friends that were/are there!!) and were sad that there was really no place to go here. Finally they started school and although he didn't get into our first choice the school seems great. He is in a class with a few 3, a few 4 and mostly 5 year olds and has 2 other american kids in his class. He is just thrilled to go and likes his teachers, singing, and playing on the playground. He says he is learning words but can never remember what they are ;-). Here he is on his first day of school.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Charlie has an awesome shirt. Make lots of friends and have fun at Portugese School!