Friday, September 25, 2009

Cameron's new tricks

Cameron has a few new tricks including pushing his walker all over--he just stood up three nights ago (this video is that night) and started pushing it all around and moving it from side to side for turns or if he got stuck. He loves to push it around the playground, through the grass (although it is a bit harder) and everywhere but won't quite take steps without it.
He also at lunch today enjoyed trying to eat with a spoon...then i took away the bowl and he gave one of his famous fits of lip and tears...Cameron did a pretty good job but you can see he decided to go face first rather than stick with the spoon...He's a delight to be around most of the time but boy is he stubborn! He's used to his sister making sure that he has everything he wants and his brother mostly giving him roughouse attention but always attention! Tonight, thanks to the kindness of a friend's husband who played with cameron, The older kids and I went to see a movie which was fun. The kids thought it was pretty funny--some of it was over their heads but for the most part they had a great time.

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