Friday, November 14, 2008

spots and lots (of boxes!!)

We had a lot of excitement the last 2 days!! Yesterday jeff and I tried to finish up packing for teh packers to come (what a concept!!) With 3 shipments we had to catagorize things into multiple "groups" which was at times difficult with limited space. Hopefully we never have to do quite this kind of shipment again. My friend brought Charlie home around 3 and he had red splotches ll over his body--like a sunburn on his arms and legs and the chicken pox on his torso. It wasn't bothering him but Jeff took him to teh ER (for like 3.5 hrs) to make sure it was nothing. They said allergy but we have no idea to what and gave him some steroid treatmet to take for 5 days--yeah!! I guess he'll be a buff 3 year old now.

Today the packers came and whew!! Who knows what will be shipped to teh azores that we weren't planning on bt we'll find out when we get there. They are like a whirlwind of boxes, tape, and men (4) flying through the house. I'm just hoping nothing gets broken as I hear them bounce a "fragile" box off the door step...yikes! I guess there's nothing we can't live without but it would be nice to have a working computer and tv's and some dishes to eat off of...this weekend we re-sort for the Monday and Wednesday packing, Tuesday loading, and thursday off we go--whew. It's all going so fast. With a few going away "celebrations" and last days of school we'll be off in no time...

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