Monday, November 1, 2010

soooo behind in blogging

We've been so busy and Cameron doesn't like for me to get the computer out so blogging has become a non-entity in our life. We have been picking up more and more activities and our week includes 4-H after school for both kids, gymnastics for Heather, soccer for both, and girl scouts for Heather. The kids have loved soccer and seem to be developing pretty well. Charlie has a go to the goal mentality while Heather is looking for a pass or kicking the ball ahead all the time. We celebrated Jeff's birthday on a rainy day which ruined our park and picnic plans. Then our anniversary (10 years) plans were also shot when the b&b that we wanted to have breakfast in (the same one we did two days after our wedding!!) turned out not to do breakfast. Still it's been a great 10 years--probably deserves a post on where we've been and some statistics--maybe for 15! We've also enjoyed a few football games and tailgating. The kids have had fun, especially at the second game where we sat with some friends in the end zone seats which were great! Cameron is especially taken with the mascot and seems to spend most of the game looking for him and making sure that all are aware of his location. Despite his interest we haven't been able to get a "hi-5" out of him at the soccer games where we've come close to it. Jeff's been busy with school but has a very flexible schedule and can spend a lot more time at home or doing stuff with the kids. We are loving fall, a few weeks ago took a very nice hike to a waterfall and the kids seemed to have fun skipping along, sliding through a little cave, and having a picnic by the waterfall.

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