Saturday, September 18, 2010

soccer, soccer and more soccer

Heather had her first soccer practice on Thursday and really enjoyed it. She joined right in with 8 other kids and a coach she didn't know and had no problem with the drills and learning the skills. She had her first game Saturday morning and was really excited. She did pretty well, hesitating a bit when she gets close to someone with the ball but did a nice job kicking it ahead a few times and passing to her teammates. With only 6 kids on the field it is much easier to keep them spread out and passing the ball. Unfortunately the other team was quite good and scored a lot on Heather's team. Although she got frustrated she would just keep at it and had fun. Charlie had his practice and game on Friday night. They practice for 30 minutes and then play after that. He got off to a slow start but scored about 5 goals over the corse of the next two quarters (not that we were counting ;-). For the last quarter he played Jeff told him he had to play defense and pass over the center line to his teammates. He did a great job and really prowled the center line keeping the other team off his side of the field. (they did sneak by once for a goal!!). Playing 3 on 3 with no goalie gives the kids a nice chance to all touch the ball and feel a part of the game. We followed up Charlie's game with a trip to the women's and mens soccer game. The kids had a good time and Heather had all the girls sign a poster with the soccer team on it (the giveaway for the day). The game was exciting and the kids really got into it. We only stayed for a short bit of the men's game and it was fun as well.

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