Monday, October 26, 2009

time change

GRRRR I remember when it used to be great to fall extra hour of sleep, not so hard to get up for high school bus or morning classes that started at 9 in college...Last night the kids were begging for bed (which never happens) starting at 7. We read a few books and had snack but they were in bed by about 7:45. Not surprisingly they were crawling into my bed at 5:45 saying they were not tired anymore. By 6:00 they were all bouncing around the bed wide awake and we headed downstairs. Heather was so confused at how much time she had to get ready for school and at 7 was standing by the door all ready with her backpack on convinced that she was late. I had to fake call my friend and talk to her about the time to convince Heather that our clocks were not in fact wrong. "The sun is up mom! It's time for school". Now it's 8:30 and Cameron is fussing to take a nap and Charlie is bored already...teacher training this week so he's home...

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