Wednesday, October 28, 2009

chasing butterflies

We've been trying to take advantage of the nicer weather as we're not sure when it will end and have spent a lot of time the last few days playing outside. The kids are very interested in chasing butterflies and surprisingly do not smash too many of the ones they actually catch. The other day Charlie and his friend Isabelle were trying to catch them with little success. Cameron was intently watching the kids and then noticed some of the butterflies. He focused on one that was nearby and started bouncing (he was sitting) and pointing and grunting, "ooh, ooh, ooh". He watched it fly to another spot and got ready to crawl away if it came any closer. When Charlie finally caught one he brought it over in teh container for Cameron to hold and look at. He was very interested in this thing that was flying around in the container.

Cameron has been trying to walk more and has learned how to get a wide stance and push himself up into a standing position. At times he just goes right over backwards but so far seems entertained by falling in general. He is very proud of himself when he takes a little stroll and is quite encouraged by the reactions of his sister and brother as well as the other people on the playground while he's working on his new skill. Very cute!

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