Monday, July 20, 2009

summer's here

Summer finally arrived in the Azores much to our delight! It's been quite nice and we actually feel like we live on an island. Mid 70's and sunny can be very appealing. Heather had her last week of school last week and on Thursday they had a celebration with parents. Heather read one of the clues for the hidden object and I was very impressed that she stood up and read the paper in front of all those people. It was even loud enough that MOST people could hear it! Friday we celebrated by going to the beach with some friends. Going to the beach is quite fun but it takes a lot of preparation and after work to make it happen! All week we traded off eating at our friends houses to welcome in a new Major whose family is basically stuck in a TLF so we've enjoyed the company of friends, and not cooking dinner every night. Friday we did pizza and a movie night at Rory's house and then Saturday we hosted a cookout with ample food for everyone to enjoy. Yesterday we went to the Brazilian "death by meat" restauraunt and then our friend who take pictures gave Jeff some tips on stock photography and let him use his studio space for a couple of shots of the kids. It was fun and we even got a very nice family photo out of it. Unfortunately Cameron wasn't cooperating too well with the photos so he kind of missed out..This week we're heading off to Crete to enjoy the mid-90's heat. We'll see how it goes...


Jordan and Lexi said...

Those pictures are great! You have the most adorable children. :)

Anonymous said...

Go Bobcats!