Saturday, July 11, 2009

Busy, busy days

The past few days have been pretty busy. Yesterday Heather had summer school during which she proudly helped her teacher move the squid, lobster, and fish from the "big bag" to the "small bags" she was so excited to get to stay when the other kids were going to computers to help that she was bursting with excitement. Charlie and I had to go and check out her "work." After school we headed to a picnic in the drizzle (that's what summer's been here) and actually had a good time. The food was good, there were awards, and the kids climbed on teh rocks and Heather searched for shells while Cameron took a nap and Jeff and I chatted with his co-workers. On the way home we realized it was really nice so we headed to the pool and the kids swam. Cameron likes to splash in the pool and is pretty funny. Jeff coaxed the bigger kids in the big pool and they had fun as well. We decided to go for pizza afterwards and returned one tired gang. Today we got a late start but headed for a "hike" along rocks on the beach. Charlie petered out and joined Cameron (sleeping again) and I by the car but regained steam when Cameron woke up. We headed out to find the cool tidepools with tiny jelly fish (like you see in the small cylindrical tubes at the aquarium), eel type of fish, and other marine life. It was pretty neat. Jeff got a few sand crabs but upon reading about how to care for them we decided that we would be taking them back. We explained to Heather that we couldn't give them the right food or create the right home to which she innocently and determinedly replied, "we could take them to the beach everyday. I mean EVERY day!" After the exploring we had lunch and the kids swam in a little protected inlet. They really waded and it was a pretty short trip. On the way home we headed up the hill to check out the view from the windmills (above). A pretty fun--and tiring--day.
We also saw TONS of these really pretty flowers and Jeff got one for me to take a close up of...

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