Wednesday, April 8, 2009

spring break day 2

WE had a fun day with some friends today. We went to Charlie's playgroup and he had an Easter party--egg hunt, coloring, chaos...then we went with one of Heather's friends families to a boardwalk on the other side of the island. There's a nice sidewalk right along the ocean that we walked on for a bit (well the kids ran) then we went back to the beginning where there is a beach and sat and had a picnic. The beach was pretty dirty with garbage, hopefully they clean that a bit more in the "summer" but it was a beautiful spot with waves crashing and sunshine. The kids climbed on some lava rocks and somehow Charlie didn't hurt himself as he was off balance half the time...Then we came home and played outside even more at the playgrounds near our house. It was a gorgeous day...unfortunately we woke up to rain today...

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