Sunday, April 19, 2009

fun weekend

We started off this long weekend with Heather having no school on Friday. To celebrate we went bowling--2 moms and 7 kids (if you count cameron!!). It was lunch and bowl--the kids were really good and had fun bowling. Heather and Charlie got a few spares and were pretty excited. Friday night we went to our last in a series of birthday parties which was fun. The kids are going to have to look for a new weekend sugar fix. Yesterday we started out the day with a trip to the "basket man" a guy who makes baskets in his garage and barely speaks english. Not having anyting in mind I made no purchases but know where he lives in case I ever have a basket emergency...We then went on to the coast and climbed around some coastal lava rocks to find some tidepools with fish, crabs, and some shells in areas that the water was no longer occupying. The kids had a good time and it was a pretty cool area to meander through. We also had a picnic lunch before heading to a friends house to check out the car races. Apparently there is a "circuit" on Terceira--and a few other islands--where the cars race around the "country roads" with stone walls on either side. We climbed up on the walls and watched these cars "race" by. It was fun--a different way to spend an hour or so. Two of Jeff's co-workers who are portugese raced so that was fun. We had dinner at Heather's friends house who lives near the race "track".
Today we headed out to the same lava rock coast but found the "trail" that we were going to hike to be non-existant so we tried to find more cool stuff along the coast. We also headed to a playground that the kids weren't too interested in so we came back home. I went to a movie with some girlfriends (all the girls I knew on the island just about were there!!) and Jeff took the kids to a museum in Angra, a nearby town. They had a good time and we all reconveined for dinner, outside bike riding (the kids) and games before bed. It was a nice, laid back, weekend with beautiful weather. Cameron enjoyed riding in the backpack, sleeping most of the chances he got to ride in it.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Sounds like you 5 are enjoying yourselves. Beautiful photos!!