Thursday, July 17, 2008

almost the weekend

This week has been so crazy I can barely keep track of the day! Tuesday and Wednesday I had an extra 4 and 3 year old which kept us busy. We went bowling with friends yesterday and then to the park after. Charlie bowled a "smash"--his version of a strike (still knocking down all the pins at once!) and Heather tried a new style of putting her fingers in and launching the ball down the ramp. She bowled a 70with the bumpers so I guess it did OK. At the park Charlie got stung by a wasp which at first was not cool but then he cold show people how brave he was and let them see the little red dot.

Today we played around the house in the morning then went to meet up with friends for lunch after a quick trip to the post office and then K-Mart on the way home. We picked Charlie up some "extra thick" underwear as well as ones with plastic lining (those would sure motivate me to use the potty so I didn't have to wear them!!) to see if either of those will help finish off the task. Once home we rested a bit then went to dinner at "the club" as Charlie calls it and then to the pool to close the place down. Heather wasn't as great at swimming but still went off the diving board without a life jacket and tried to swim around the pool on her own. Charlie was more fearless than before and would launch himself at me or manage to get to jeff with a few breaths in between sinking. He did 5 up and downs (touch the bottom, push off, take a breath, repeat) which he was very proud of.

1 comment:

Martha said...

H... a wasp sting hurts... I wold cry!