Saturday, February 9, 2008

sick, sick, sick, and awards...

Tuesday night just as the tornado warnings went off at 1:30 in the morning Charlie decided to puke massive amounts of after dinner snack to the point that I was sure when they found us buried underneath the rubble they would see the vomit all over me and him :-(. The rest of the night we spent a good part in the hallway (after the tornado that came through a few weeks ago I'm not messing around with waiting around). Unfortunately the next day the kids and I were sick, fortunately no more vomiting, but fever, body aches, and grumpiness. We watched TV ALL day except for about an hour and I only got off the couch to get them drinks or put in a different movie.

The next day the kids rebounded but unfortunately I did not. Luckily my friend came by with a celebrity magazine, some soup, and ice cream and took the kids for a couple of hours (yeah!!). Most of that day and Friday I spent on the couch--poor jeff came home to no dinner, total disaster, and wound up kids. After he righted the house he headed back in to work...

Today he took the kids for a few hours while I continued my vigil on the couch and then I rallied to go to the annual awards banquet--a semi-formal/mess dress affair. Jeff's co-worker came over to watch the kids with her dog which the kids thought was great! Although I hadn't been on my feet for more than 10 minutes at a time I made it through the hour long cocktail hour, national anthem and blessing before sitting down. There were moments that I thought I would not make it but got through it with minimal coughing and sniffling. Making it worth it was when the speaker talked about heros and the accomplishments of some of the people in the room including one of Jeff's airmen and Jeff winning the COMPANY GRADE OFFICER OF THE YEAR award for the wing. It is quite an honor and he was basically selected out of all the 2nd, 1st, Leuitenants and Captains on base. He got a fancy eagle which will have to go to his office b/c it's much to scary to keep at our house :-)


Anonymous said...

A big congrats to Jeff on his award!

Hope you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jeff (and family!).
