Friday, January 18, 2008

showers and potties

Well we're hitting some milestones--Heather took her first shower yesterday (she usually freaks out at the option) and loved it! She thought it was cool to tilt her head back into the water and try not to get it into her eyes. Of course I had to reach into the shower to wash her hair and got half soaked so it just meant more laundry for me but maybe now she'll be willing to be quicker in the bathroom...Charlie is doing pretty well with potty training except for wanting to poop in whatever he happens to be wearing at the time and man when he gets started there is no stopping him to get to the potty :-(. Otherwise he is doing pretty well as long as he is not distracted.

For the long weekend we are having some friends over tomorrow to play games and let the kids play. We will also be watching some football and hopefully setting up the "garden" that mom designed for us in the back yard. It's actually forcasted to snow here which would be really fun. Everyone is hyped but I don't really think it is going to happen...

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