Monday, January 7, 2008

potty training--again!!

Well we're back into the hang of life in MS. The kids had two days of school last week and this week is filled with MOPS, school, dentist appt (yuck!!), and maybe even an evening out for Sara and Jeff (more later on that!!). The biggest thing we've been working on is potty training. Charlie seems to come and go with his interest but for now we're making a go of it. Two days ago I was ready to give up for a while but Jeff suggested pressing on. So we have. yesterday was a good day with Charlie telling me he had to go before he did, pooping in the potty, and staying dry all day. today was OK but not quite as many successes (no major accidents yet though).

Our neighbors and friends across the street moved to a house in town (25 min away) so heather is a bit sad and grumpy about that. She and the girls played really nicely together and we will definitely miss the ability to exchange children at a moments notice. On the moving front Jeff should find out in March/April where he may be headed.

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