Sunday, December 2, 2007

disney princesses

Jeff had a long week of work this week and even worked both days this weekend until 4 and 3 respectively. He did manage to spend some time with us on Friday night when we went to the base assignment night when some of our friends found out where they would be going (or actually staying!!). On Saturday he got off just in time to go with us up to Tupelo to see the Disney Princesses on Ice. It was a last minute decision to go but it was a really good one! The kids both had a great time. Heather loved guessing which princess story was starting and naming all the characters that came out to skate. The music was good, skating fun and characters really cute! Charlie asked when the princesses would stop dancing so that the other people could come back on. His favorite part was when the "fire" went pow, pow, pow. They had some lout special effects.

The rest of the weekend the kids and I spent working on some holiday crafts and trying to clean up the house enough to get the decorations out and work on some more projects.

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