Tuesday, December 18, 2007

working from Panera

As I type I'm sitting in Panera with my earphones on and my dinner next to me :-). How did I get here you might wonder!! We made it to Ohio on Monday with a brief overnight stop with college friends on Sunday night. We never have enough time but the weather and the parents were waiting...yesterday the kids and i spent in Athens doing some fun stuff and just catching up. Today I had to go shopping and attempt to close a Craigslist deal to get Heather her desired Dora castle with rooms. an hour before I was supposed to meet the lady she called and apologized saying that her daughter was hysterical about giving it up (she was going to be nicely rewarded!!) and she just didn't know if she could talk her into it. So I nicely said I understood and would try to work something else out. I was sooo disappointed that I went to ToysRUs and found the rooms there. It ended up costing more than I thought but since the tearful girl was not budging...and who could blame her--Dora is sooo cool! I managed to finish up the last few items on my list (the kids have a lot more items on their list...) and headed up to Polaris to finish the rest of my list. I had to take a shopping break and am not in Panera poised to work on a report to offset some of this maddness! It's kind of nice, we'll see how productive I am with so much people watching and online distractions available...

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