Wednesday, November 28, 2007

back home (already?!)

Wow a lot has happened in the last week. We had a great visit in Ohio, first with Jeff's family and then with Sara's. We helped Jeff's mom get out her christmas decorations (all 40 or so boxe and bags!) then the kids delighted in seeing the decorations and being directed to put them in their places. We went to Toys R Us to let the kids give us Christmas ideas--which they did!! Thanksgiving we got to see some snow and Jeff's brother made it up for a while. The kids had a good time and Heather and Charlie ate A LOT! They were willing to try most everything and liked it to boot!

While we were in Cleveland we got together with some Wooster friends as well as one of Jeff's high school friends. It was really nice for the kids to have playmates and they all get along so well. It's fun to see how much the kids have changed--and how much we all have not :-)

Sara did the 5 AM Toys R Us run to save some money on a few "must haves" for the kids. I would totally do it again since it was time to myself, even with the frenzy, and I even got home in time to sleep for an hour or so before driving to Columbus to go wedding dress shopping with Kelly. We had a good time and I think found something that will be really nice. I should clairify--I had a good time, not sure how mom and Kelly ended up the day!

Saturday we visited with some friends and then headed to the Ohio football game which was very fun. Then a few games of OU volleyball and back to relax with the family. We drove back home on Monday morning and are still unpacking and putting things in their places. They will just have a temporary rest as we will be pulling everything out for a return trip to OH in just 3 weeks (ugh!). So much Christmas stuff to do and so little time :-).

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