Saturday, June 30, 2007


We tooled all around DC yesterday and today. We went to the Air and space museum which I didn't scope out well enough prior to going to keep the kids attention the whole time. Then we went to a festival they were having on the mall and watched native weaving, wood cutting, dancing, etc. The kids liked it and my mom LOVED it! It was a busy day which ended with dinner with a friend from Wooster and his fincee (and my whole family)! The kids were less than superb but it was great to see him and meet her--they're a great pair! Today we went to the natural history museum, dinosaurs, dead lions, tigers, every kind of was much more in line with the kids attention spans. We tried to walk the monuments but they were just too grumpy (although they din't take a nap when we got home!!) so we headed back to my sisters and swam in her pool for a while. We're headed back to Ohio tomorrow which is much too soon but I think the kids are worn out.

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