Wednesday, May 30, 2007

galveston and houston

We made it to the great state of Texas (everything is bigger and better according to the natives!!). The car ride was good and we were able to enjoy a morning under cloud cover and some raindrops at the beach. In the evening we had some tasty mexican food and then crashed of exhaustion. It was great to see my grandma and Lee and we managed to not destroy their house. On the other hand we headed up to Houston yesterday to see our friends who moved here recently. We did destroy their house (well the kids did) before the kids calmed down. It's so fun to be with friends and just have everyone fall back into place like we've not missed a day of fun! Today we checked out some parks in the Woodlands and the little ones are down for naps. It's been a busy trip so far but the kids are hanging in there and LOVE seeing their friends. It makes me excited for the trip to Ohio when we will see so many friends and family that we don't see very often. On to my cousin's graduation tomorrow and then family reunion in Galveston.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are so happy you came up to see! We had a great visit!!! :)