Sunday, February 28, 2010


I forgot to mention that we've been watching lots of the olympics in tape delay. Charlie can proudly share which curling team is winning the game as well as the round (although we don't know what things like "shot rock" and moving the first stone mean), tell me if the racer in downhill/speed skating/other timed sports is beating the first place time (green vs. grey times shown as the split), and groan if ice skating is on...Both kids can identify if the participant/team is a US, Canadian, or German (Heather's girl scouts did a project involving Germany) by the flag shown by their name. Charlie also likes to taunt the other teams, "oh yeah, oh yeah, you can't catch up now. You can't get us!" The highlight for this year's Olympic watching was when the announcers were talking about figure skating and mentioned Sarah Hughes and the gold medal from 1992. Heather looked at me awestruck, "you won a gold medal". For a moment (before explaining to her that there were other people with my same name) I thought I had!

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