Saturday, February 13, 2010

I guess we've been busy...

Wow--almost 3 weeks since I blogged?! Crazy. I guess we've been busy with life despite not seeming to have a lot of activities scheduled. The kids have been out of school for many days with various parent teacher conference days, holidays, and teacher work days. I conferenced with Heather's teacher which went very well. Her reading has gone up and she tested into a 2nd grade reading level which makes me much more comfortable going to a new school next year. She's also doing great with timed math tests (really--timed?!) and all areas of school. She seems more comfortable going to school but really enjoyed it when Cameron and I came to lunch last week. Charlie also has gotten back into the school routine although he enjoys his days off as well. Here on Terceira they celebrate Carnival which is kind of like Halloween and Mardi Gras smashed together (i think). Charlie wore his Power rangers outfit and his class had a parade around the neighborhood.

Last weekend we went Geocacheing with some friends which was really fun--the kids had a great time running to the spot and Heather even found the treasure box. I definitely see this in our future when Jeff gets back...Heather's had a lot of girl scout time selling cookies and having meetings. Last night we had pizza and movie night at a friends where Cameron loves to go. He often tries to head there when we get out of the car or he makes it out the front door. They'll be moving in May and we will surely miss them. Today we went for a walk to the post office in the rain (charlie grumbled most of the way and Heather was in a surprisingly good mood since we got pretty wet), made doughnuts and sugar cookies and celebrated our friends promotion with some of the squadron families and neighbors. It was a really good time despite the fact that the adults were outnumbered.

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