Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 highlights

There have been lots of great/big things about 2009--I thought I'd do a "letterman top ten" for the blog...however mine are in no particular order and may be changed as I reflect on this post in the next few days..

10. jeff deploys to iraq (ok this isn't great but is certainly memorable and big so it should make the list) and we learn to use skype and manage 1 minute phone calls
9. Thanksgiving to christmas holidays for the rest of the family in Ohio and Hilton Head--thanks to everyone who traveled to join us in this month of adventures!
8. making new friends in the azores and keeping in touch with previous friends through facebook and e-mail
7. watching the kids play t-ball and soccer as well as biking, tag, and climbing on the playground outside
6. experiencing a new culture and language
5. enjoying the rainbows that show up during the months and months of rain that we experience...
4. Firsts--heather lost her first tooth, charlie started portuguese school, cameron started crawling, eating, walking, birthday
3. enjoying time in the Azores--hiking, beaching, socializing
2. trip to crete
1. trip to Disney

I hope that 2010 can bring as much fun with family and friends as 2009.

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