Sunday, May 10, 2009

busy week!

We had such a busy week last week the kids are still exhausted! Heather had a great time at two sleepovers the last two fridays and was exhausted--but actually fairly well behaved--the next day. Last Saturday they kids had t-ball and were pretty worn out by the time we went out to dinner with some friends at a restaurant on the water (what isn't here?!). Sunday we went to a Brazilian restaraunt that has been nicknamed "death by meat" because they have a traditional Brazilian salad bar and then bring around like 8 different kinds of meat to complete the meal. It was really good and I was pretty brave to try most of the things which were described to us by our portugese friend as "a different part I don't know how to translate". I figured he probably knew heart, stomach, and brain so it seemed safe!

Monday Heather and Charlie had a "babysitter" while Jeff played softball and I went to a meeting. One of Jeff's friends was brave enough to come have popcorn and watch a movie with the kids who were just fine. Tuesday Heather went to AWANA on base and loved it--it was their next to last meeting for the year so she will probably get more involved next year. The rest of the week was filled with softball, t-ball, and the usual playgroup and library but it felt like every day we were running from place to place. Last night we went to another bullfight in the street. The house we were standing on seemed very secure, up on a 4 foot wall with about 15 feet of grass between the railed porch and brick wall. It was great until the bull jumped up on the grass between the wall and the porch. Heather and Jeff stayed outside out of range--but not within my comfort zone. Charlie, Cameron and I watched the rest from teh house and had a great view of the bull in the grass in front. It was a fun way to spend the evening.

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