Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I can't believe it's been almost 2 weeks since the last post. We've pretty much settled into the routine of eating, school, and sleeping with a playgroup and grocery store visit thrown in. The last two weeks Heather's had a friend over to play which has gone really well and although she still really misses her friends from the states I think it's helping her adjust. Last week we also had a friend over to play with Charlie and the boys played really well together. Last weekend we went to the beach and enjoyed the first nice day that we had there. It has been windy the other times that we've gone so we didn't stay long but this time the kids spent a lot of time playing in the sand with the family we went with as well as venturing into the FREEZING water and they all got pretty wet. After changing clothes we went to have lunch in town and do some "shopping". we learned that the stores are mostly closed Saturday at noon and almost all day Sunday--makes shopping a bit difficult as a clan! Thursday night I went out to dinner with a few ladies which was nice. The restaurant (although it was dark) is located right on the water and is one of those tiny--8 tables I think--places that is so european and cute! There's a swimming hole right next to the restaurant so I'm sure we'll be back there. This morning we exchanged valentine's and hope to head out to enjoy the nice day soon.

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