Sunday, February 22, 2009

arriving in the US again

We left Lajes on time and the flight was really good--a bit bumpy (heather loved the parts that felt like roller coasters and had me checking to see that we really still were level) but we were on a cargo plane with a tiny passenger space in the back for about 30 people...what can I say we were on the plane. Once we got through customs we were getting ready to call my sister to meet us and there she was. The kids were very excited and I was excited that she greeted us with drinks and cookies--YEAH! She took the kids in her car and Jeff, Cameron and I attempted to take the bus and 6 bags to the car rental place. Forunately (note sarcasm) two buses didn't even stop and the one that did was 90% full. A very nice lady held her ground and did not move while we basically lifted suitcases over and above her to the seats near the back of the bus. After the 4th suitcase and Cameron had been loaded a gentleman actually helped move the last two suitcases. Had we had the all kids it would have gotten many sympathetic looks instead of the swearing I'm sure people were thinking. We met up with a college friend and his girlfriend for a quick dinner near Kelly's house and are about to crash.

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