Sunday, March 23, 2008

happy easter!

The story of the last few days for the kids has been egg hunt, egg hunt, egg hunt...double that and that's how many they've done! Two big ones in the community and on base, 1 easter bunny hunt around the house and at least 3 set up by each other, friends, or dad with no candy but the joy of finding the eggs :-). This morning the kids eggs were "color coded" charlie had yellow and orange and Heather had pink and purple but they seemed to find more of each others than their own and delighted in "hinting" to the other where their egg was. Sometimes subtly, sometimes, "Charlie the egg is RIGHT here!" It was really fun to watch and we were cracking up.

We got Heather all set up for soccer with wal-mart cleats (she needed shoes to wear in the mud/etc. anyway), shin guards and long socks. I was going through the cost of each thing and ended with, "heather lasting 15 minutes at practice before she never wants to play again...priceless" First practice tomorrow and we'll see how it goes...

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