Saturday, December 11, 2010

telling the kids "it's a girl"

So we took the kids to a restaurant to tell them about the baby. Jeff had them guessing at different things we might get them for their birthdays in March..."A pet" from Charlie, "close but not a pet" said Jeff, "a person?" from Heather. "yes" from Jeff. Heather looked at my belly, to my head, back down and up with a great, undescribeable look on her face and I started cracking up. Charlie caught on a few seconds later and they were thrilled to find out it was a girl. Heather would have been "not excited at all" if it had been a boy. Now they're busily trying to figure out names and talking about when the baby will come, how long mom will be in the hospital, and who can come stay with them while we go through that time. It's pretty exciting and hopefully we'll find out soon how the baby is doing.


Tina said...

That's so fun! We are actually doing to same thing. Congratulations!

Allen Family said...

That is awesome. Congrats!