Friday, August 13, 2010

2 busy 2 blog

We've been so busy unpacking and exploring our new home and town that I haven't had time to blog. We've had the help of Jeff's mom unpacking and playing with the kids. We've done a lot of typical moving stuff, buying new cleaning supplies, brooms, food, and a few fun things--a big TV, surround sound and loft bed for Heather. We drove through the rain, bought a tarp on the way, loaded it (fortunately not in the rain) and drove through a huge thunderstorm on the way back. Now it's drying in the garage. I forgot how cool (and kind of scary) thunderstorms are when you can see the lightening off in the distance. We are now spending time with my parents to celebrate my dad's birthday and retirement. The kids love being with grandma and grandpa--especially Cameron who will go over to my dad and try to climb up in his lap and just give him hug after hug. Dad's not quite sure what to do with him but it's so cute to see ;-) The kids got a chance to go to the park this morning and then tried out the slip and slide and pool my mom got for them to play with.

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