Sunday, January 10, 2010

stuck in the states

Unfortunately as we waited to board we were informed that the plane would be delayed for 3 hours. Not a big deal as there was still a flight with 83 (supposedly) seats going out that night. When it was cancelled the kids and I hunkered down in the family area which was quite nice and prepared for a long day. We had lunch in the terminal, bonded with fellow passengers and waited for our turn. The kids played and played, refused to go to bed, and when they started roll call at 1:10 announced there were 8 seats on each of 2 planes. A quick headcount told me we were not getting on a plane that day however they said they would try to make seats available. By 2:00 it was apaprent that 13 of us would be left behind and I got a bit panicky. Putting our heads together, along with those of some of the experienced and informed hoppers we decided our best bet was to get to dover (no rental places open so we had to hire a shuttle) and try a flight out of there. We left the terminal at 5 am--kids all still awake and running through the playplace except cameron who had had a full night's sleep--did I mention that heather and I had both been up for 24 hours and charlie had slept for about 2?! The kids all crashed in teh shuttle and we arrived at Dover to try the plane. After about an hour of waiting they informed that the flight would be delayed 24 hours. So swe rented cars and headed for Andrews (we were with another mom whose husband had taken the last spot on teh azores flight, her two kids, and four other adults) where another plane was supposed to depart at 5. We turned in our rental cars and waited for the roll call hopefully. They announced that there were 8 seats on the plane and I knew we weren't getting on again. They then decided that the plane was no longer going to the Azores but straight to Germany so our friends didn't get on the plane either. One of them drove me to get a new rental car and I met my sister and headed for her house 3 hours away. The kids were AWESOME throughout all of this. Heather had a melt down or two but that was to be expected and she pulled it together. She expressed all the frustration I was feeling but unable to express otherwise we would have all fallen apart. I was very proud of how well they behaved and what troopers they were through the whole ordeal although had we not a promise of meeting Kelly there would have probably been disaster!! Five of the others headed back to New Jersey to try to catch one of the flights which had been delayed. I opted not to do that b/c I couldn't handle not getting on another flight (number 6 in 2 days) and followed Kelly to her house, arriving after 39 hours of no sleep with maybe 1 hour bad snoozing in the shuttle the previous morning.

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