Wednesday, June 17, 2009

swimming and sitting, caring and clapping

So many milestones that I keep forgetting to post...Charlie and Heather had their first swim lessons today for the year. The pool was cold but both did great in the water. Charlie can't touch so his class is kind of hard with 1 teacher and getting in and out of the water to sit shivering on the side. Jeff helped him a little so he could do a bit more but he was not convinced that he wanted to go back tomorrow. (I told him that if he did VBS all week he could decide about swim lessons...but on the way home agreed that if they tried really hard and did what their teacher asked they could each pick a wii game--we don't have any yet--so maybe swimming will win out after all). Heather did really well. In a class of five girls the teacher could really pay attention to all of them however at one time she had them swim out to the slide (over heather's head by a bit) and Heather was the first one out and was turning around when her momentum stopped and she was kind of bobbing and trying to grab a breath as she came up...the teacher got to her just before she panicked and probably would never have taken another lesson again...Caring--also Heather and Charlie who have been playing pretty nicely together the last few days. Usually they have spats and arguements but they've really been fairly pleasant to each other. Sitting and Clapping would be Cameron. He's taken to a pull crawl on his belly and is threatening to actually crawl on his hands and knees soon. He gets up and moves forward but not really in a crawling way, more of a hop or push with one leg. He can quickly go from either move to a sitting position once he's obtained the object of his desire. He also has discovered clapping although not when a camera is around. He happing puts his hands together and waits for someone to show their excitement to him. In the waiting room at an office today he was clapping for people who were not responding and he looked kind of like, "hello don't you know this is my new trick?". I was enthusiastically clapping with him. He is also almost ready to stand. He can certainly support himself with help but his balance is not quite there for more than a few seconds. Heather and Charlie delight in telling us when he's clapping, standing, or other tricks.

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